Authenticity of yoga practice in the West

I have felt at times in my life that I have known that frog from the well.  I grew up in a city of almost thirteen million people – it’s a world hard to describe unless you have been there.  The sights, sounds, smell, air, greenery, the gridlock of breath, time, and transactions, the entire cognition and constitution of the world that I had ever known since birth was dramatically shifted when I landed, of all places on this spinning earth, in Walla Walla, Washington.  A town of barely twenty-thousand people then with rolling hills and wheat fields of all shades of green, yellow, and brown known to nature.  My world, did not know that sky could meet the earth, and that evergreen trees were exactly that – they never lose their leaves.  I felt mesmerized while pondering how basements would not fill up with water after a heavy shower, when in Kolkata monsoons flooded the entire city every single time.


Realizing dharma for modern yogis

Realizing dharma for modern yogis

Purposeful living is to live from the perspective that every thing, every event, every one, and all circumstances are going through an evolution and what we see is simply a momentary photograph in this timeline. Just as a moment is a small part of a day, and a day is a small part of the year, similarly this lifetime of yours is a small fraction of the many lifetimes that is the evolutionary journey of your soul.  Just as a photo becomes richer when it captures a broader story of its subject, living from a place of harmony is to constantly hold the perspective that no matter how much you think you can see or capture in your experience, there is much more to it than what your limited mind and colored lens of perspectives can ever capture.
